
March 27, 2014

Greg Abbott Enters Fray in Lawsuits Involving “Sociopath” Doctor

The story of Dr. Christopher Duntsch—the North Texas neurosurgeon responsible for the death of two patients and the paralysis of four others—saw an interesting twist this week when the current Attorney General and gubernatorial hopeful used his office to intervene in three lawsuits against the hospital that allowed him to

The Daily Post|
November 1, 2013

The Latest On HB2

Last night, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit granted an emergency motion to stay the injunction against HB2. Here's what that means in non-legalese. 

The Daily Post|
September 23, 2013

Can Transgender People Get Married In Texas?

The ongoing saga of Nikki Araguz—the transgender widow of a deceased firefighter, who's still fighting a legal battle for survivor's benefits—had its most recent appeal hearing this month. Until it's resolved, there will be a lot more questions than answers.

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