Update [September 4, 11:17 a.m.]: Texas Monthly has raised $11,494.25 toward Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. This offer extends through September 7, and we will match up to $20,000 in donations. The proceeds will go to Feeding Texas, a network of food banks that is working to provide food to families in need.

Ever since Hurricane Harvey came roaring onto our shores and into our lives, the staff of Texas Monthly has watched one of the worst natural disasters in our history unfold before us. The scale of the damage has stunned us all, and we grieve for our neighbors, family members, and fellow Texans who’ve lost so much.

And yet, in the face of so much loss, we’ve been heartened by the stories of resilience and generosity so familiar to the Texas character. We’ve been moved by the countless good Samaritans who have saved lives, coordinated relief efforts, or given people what comfort their circumstances could allow. I saw a picture this morning of a line forming outside of a shelter in Houston. The people in line weren’t waiting for help–they were volunteers waiting to help. It perfectly encapsulated the Texas spirit to me.

Wednesday we announced an effort we hope will let us do our small part. Subscribe between now and September 7 at 11:59 p.m. and we will send 100 percent of the proceeds to Harvey relief efforts. We are in discussions with a number of organizations and charities working across the state, and we will divvy up the dollars according to where they can have the most significant impact.

For the last several days, Texas Monthly reporters have worked tirelessly to keep you up to date on the storm’s impact and aftermath. We’ve covered the catastrophic flooding at Houston’s Addicks Dam. We’ve written about the risks facing undocumented immigrants forced to evacuate. We’ve explained the danger of degrading chemicals at the flooded Arkema plant in Crosby. And much more.

Our coverage of the storm’s devastating effects on our communities will continue, both online and in print. We have scrapped our plans for the October issue and are instead devoting a large portion of it to documenting and memorializing this moment of Texas history. If you subscribe today, you will get this special October issue as your first one. More importantly, you’ll be supporting Texans who need help.

And if you’d rather just donate directly to relief efforts, allow me to point you to our article: “Here Are Ways You Can Help People During Hurricane Harvey,” which we’ve updated as the devastation continues. It’s fitting that in all the reporting we have done this week, it has been our most sought-after post. We know you want to help. Consider this one more way to do so.