
October 4, 2017

The Year of Jen Hatmaker

The Texas evangelical leader landed herself in hot water over comments about the LGBTQ community. But the blowback prompted a bigger discussion: What does it mean to be an evangelical today?

May 24, 2017

Critical Mass

An Austin church remakes Catholicism without the Pope, celibate priests, or most of the other rules.

Politics & Policy|
August 11, 2016

Remember the Christian Alamo

Evangelist Lester Roloff drew a line in the dirt to keep the State of Texas from regulating his Rebekah Home for Girls. Years later, then-govenor George W. Bush handed Roloff's disciples a long-sought victory. But this Alamo had no heroes—only victims.

The Culture|
July 20, 2016

Faith and Hope

The country’s largest group of Muslims live in Texas, yet many of them don’t feel welcome here. A few young and progressive leaders—like Irving imam Omar Suleiman—are working to change that.

Texas History|
June 13, 2016

Bane of the Baptists

Brann becomes a casualty in his own war with the Baptists. Texas Collection of Baylor University“In the year of our Lord, 1891, I became pregnant with an idea. Being at the time chief edi­torial writer on the Houston Post, I felt dreadfully mor­tified, as nothing

November 18, 2015

The Will of God

I always knew that the work my dad did as an Episcopal priest and grief counselor was important. But I didn’t understand how important until the birth of my son.

True Crime|
November 13, 2014

Man on Fire

The Reverend Charles Moore ardently dedicated his life to the service of God and his fellow man. But when he couldn’t shake the thought that he hadn’t done enough, he drove to a desolate parking lot in his hometown of Grand Saline for one final act of faith.

March 19, 2014

Going Secular at SXSW

The band Gungor is using the festival to broaden its fan base outside the churches where it made its name. Can it escape the stigma of Christian rock without alienating its devoted followers?

January 10, 2014

Sinners in the Hands

Twenty-seven-year-old Catherine Grove is a member of a small, insular, and eccentric church in East Texas. Her parents think she’s being brainwashed. She insists she’s being saved.

October 30, 2013

Not Your Typical Hell House

Like many churches across the nation, Bethel Church, in Temple, produces a hell house, a faith-based haunted house. These houses draw severe criticism for stoking the culture wars, but Bethel's leaders want to be open and tolerant in their messaging. Are they succeeding?

The Daily Post|
October 10, 2013

Tattooed Jesus Billboards Flood Lubbock

Lubbock, long a stronghold in the Bible Belt, is home to a new religious marketing campaign featuring a tattooed Jesus. The billboards picturing inked Jesus have irked some in the community (where churches outnumber tattoo parlors 25:1) and left others impressed with the message.

The Culture|
April 9, 2013

Texas Mega Pastor Mega Punk’d

Joel Osteen, indefatigable televangelist and pastor of a Houston megachurch, was the butt of an online hoax that claimed he had lost his faith, and would leave the church. The Internet had a strong reaction.

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