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August 31, 1990

State Wide Reporter: Knife Fight

Is this the knife Jim Bowie took to the Alamo? Owner Bart Moore and Spirit of the Alamo founder John Stokes believe that the bladesmith’s stamp and Bowie’s name prove it is.

August 31, 1990

Devout Discord

A bishop and a believer challenge pro-choice Catholics—and force Corpus Christi into a crisis of conscience.

August 31, 1990

Call Me

My phone habit saps my energy and drains my wallet. But wait—there’s my other line. Can you hold?

August 31, 1990

Mad at the World

It’s hard to be Mr. Nice Guy when your son has suffered brain damage, your insurance has been canceled, and your life is in an uproar.

August 31, 1990


The Shining; Looming Large; Building a Better Cookie; Once Upon a Wall.

August 31, 1990

Soda Bread

4 cups all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 1 tablespoon salt 2 teaspoons baking soda 1/2 cup shortening 2 cups buttermilk 1/4 cup caraway seeds 1 egg yolk 4 tablespoons milkPreheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix together flour, sugar, salt, and soda. Cut in shortening, add buttermilk, and mix until

True Crime|
August 1, 1990

A Soldier’s Secret

In the farming town of Whitewright, stolen tenth-century illuminated manuscripts and ivory reliquaries weren’t all that Joe Meador had to hide.

July 31, 1990


See My Etchings; Quilt Complex; Sushi Summit; Rock-a-bye Baby.

June 30, 1990

State of the Art

Nine-Year-Old Brent Cunningham just after his Red Brangus heifer placed second at the 1989 Austin Livestock Show and Rodeo. Photograph by Michael O’Brien

June 30, 1990

Losing It

Sometimes, in the search for misplaced objects, we find things we didn’t know we were looking for.

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