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Being Texan|
June 1, 1991

Voices From the Dark

Before Dawn was caught in the terrifying grip of schizophrenia, she had been a talented jazz singer. Now her son-in-law tells her story of no place to go.

May 31, 1991

Animal House

At a Central Texas facility, researchers show lab-raised chimps things their mothers never taught them.

April 30, 1991

Art Guile

“We’re feeding off the public,” brag the shameless, self-promoting Art Guys.

April 30, 1991

Poor Willie

When the IRS seized all that Willie Nelson had, it was a case of the man who can’t say no meeting the men who won’t take no for an answer.

April 1, 1991

Cult of Self

With their earnest autobiographical and cultural themes, the young Mexican painters and sculptors are following the legacy of Frida Kahlo.

April 1, 1991

Looking at Mexico

Visitors may suffer from culture shock upon seeing the artistic riches of “Mexico: Splendors of Thirty Centuries.”

April 1, 1991

Net Worth

How does NBA superstar David Robinson handle his millions? He passes them to a real mom-and-pop operation—his parents.

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