Being Texan

Being Texan|
August 31, 1995

The Texas Twenty

In the past twelve months they worked hard, overcame obstacles, bucked conventional wisdom, touched our lives, and—above all—demonstrated the conviction, character, and individuality that defines our state today. Presenting our second annual list of the year’s most interesting and influential Texans.

Being Texan|
December 1, 1994

Texas Sayings

Forget that Roget fella—here in Texas we’re more apt to consult Bubba’s thesaurus. In Texas, folks aren’t just rich—locals say they didn’t come to town two to a mule.Someone doesn’t merely die—she opens herself up a worm farm. A scoundrel is “greasy as fried lard”; a summer day is

Being Texan|
September 1, 1994

The Texas Twenty

Because they are talented at what they do. Because they made a difference this year. Because they reflect the state of our state. Here are twenty Texans you need to know.

Being Texan|
April 30, 1994

Black Like Them

During the days of segregation, a young graduate of all-white Rice University managed to become a professor at all-black Texas Southern University.

November 1, 1993

Tuff Stuff

Tuff Hedeman was born in El Paso and raised on rodeo. Today he’s one the best bull riders in the world.

Texas History|
November 1, 1992

Cowboy Texas Randall

Old-timers around Canon recall that in 1959, when Harry Wheeler erected the seven-ton concrete-and-stucco cowboy outside his trading post and curio shop, he had to bring in a truck and crane from a local drilling company to set the big galoot on his feet. Towering over U.S. 60, Tex Randall

Texas History|
September 30, 1992

House Arrest

THE HOME OF SAM HOUSTON’S WIDOW, Margaret Lea Houston, and their eight children is for sale. A shrine of Texana, the 1830’s Greek Revival classic in the tiny hamlet of Independence comes complete with a Houston family heirloom piano that is said to render a ghostly “Come to the Bower,”

Texas History|
August 31, 1992

Johnny’s Round Top

Johnny’s Round Top cafe had a colorful history that spanned more than fifty years before the restaurant went out of business in 1989. Built by a franchiser who was partial to rotating roofs that looked like circus tents, the Round Top in Big Spring was one of a modest chain

Being Texan|
November 1, 1991

Texas Breaks Away

The ceremony was to honor the four-score living Texans who had participated in the Revolution. They were all quite old, of course. It had been 75 years since 1992, when Texas had become a breakaway republic and, like Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and the Ukraine in Soviet Russia, sought independence from a

Being Texan|
June 1, 1991

Voices From the Dark

Before Dawn was caught in the terrifying grip of schizophrenia, she had been a talented jazz singer. Now her son-in-law tells her story of no place to go.

June 1, 1990

Animal Attractions

These seven creatures might be piggy-backed, whale-boned, dog-toothed, goat-eed, elephant-eared, turtle-necked, and bull-headed, but they’re stars just the same.

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