2010 – Page 15 of 17

Politics & Policy|
February 24, 2010

Rasmussen: 48-27-16 (9% undecided)

Perry creeps ever closer to the magic 50% that would enable him to win without a runoff—which the Perry camp expects him to do. Hutchison’s position appears to be hopeless, not that this is anything new, but it does raise the question of whether, if Perry comes in with just

Politics & Policy|
February 24, 2010

More on Citizen Leader PAC

I wrote about this new PAC, formed by TLR’s Dick Weekley and Leo Linbeck III along with Harlan Crow, on the weekend. In that post, I said: It would really be nice if the founders, who contributed $50,000 each, have realized that Republican primary voters, thanks to Rick Perry, are

Politics & Policy|
February 23, 2010

Found in the Democratic party’s dumpster

Sifting through the dumpster behind the Democratic party headquarters, I came across discarded copies of this memo. From: Your Democratic leaders To: All Democratic voters Re: Election strategy To all Democrats in Texas: We have determined that the best strategy for Democrats in this election is to vote in the

Politics & Policy|
February 23, 2010

New Public Policy Polling survey: 40/30/20 model

Perry 40% (39%) Hutchison 31% (28%) Medina 20% (24%) (numbers in parentheses = PPP 2/9 poll) N = 400 likely Republican primary voters MOE = +/- 4.9% These numbers seem intuitively correct. They suggest that Perry and Hutchison have beaten each other up enough that both are more or less

Politics & Policy|
February 20, 2010

Why is this PAC necessary?

Haven’t Dick Weekley and Leo Linbeck inflicted enough damage on Texas politics through TLR without starting a new PAC (with Harlan Crow)? The unmodestly named Texas Citizen Leader PAC proclaims that it will support politicians based on their adherence to four basic principles: limited government, individual liberty, free enterprise and

Politics & Policy|
February 17, 2010

More Republican primary races

District 1 (Texarkana) Incumbent: Stephen Frost (D) Republican primary: Jack Ballard vs. George Lavender COH: (30 days): Ballard $4,928, Lavender $1,500 The race: The winner will face Frost in the general election. Lavender lost to Frost in the 2008 general election. District 2 (Greenville) Incumbent: Dan Flynn Republican primary: Richard

Politics & Policy|
February 17, 2010

Dispatches from the evolution wars

This is my transcript of a portion of a radio debate that took place in Bryan last week between State Board of Education candidates Don McLeroy, the incumbent, and Thomas Ratliff in the Republican primary race for SBOE district 9. The district runs north from the Bryan-College

BBQ Joint Reviews|
February 16, 2010

New Zion Bar-B-Q

Sometimes known as the “Church of the Holy Smoke,” this joint is a destination for BBQ lovers all over the state. It has made it onto countless “best of” lists when Texas BBQ is being discussed, and the church’s incredible story has been told in magazines and television.

Politics & Policy|
February 16, 2010

House primary races

Note to readers: The descriptions of these races reflect the best information I have been able to glean. It isn’t always possible to know what is happening “out there.” The four most endangered Republican incumbents (alphabetical order): Chuck Hopson Delwin Jones Todd Smith Vicki Truitt Hopson’s problem is that he

BBQ Joint Reviews|
February 15, 2010

Two Bros. BBQ Market

My second trip to Two Bros. was just a month after the first, but I had to get back there to see if the brisket was great twice in a row, and I forgot to try the cold smoked shrimp and stuffed jalapenos back in January. It

Politics & Policy|
February 14, 2010

KBH’s robocall

I received this e-mail from a lobbyist whom I have known for many years: Just got a robocall from “Texans for Kay” (was “Private Caller” on caller ID) with a clip from the Glenn Beck show about Perry is someone who says and does good things during an election but

Politics & Policy|
February 14, 2010

The Texas Newspapers’ Poll

This poll was sponsored by a group of the big dailies. The results are pretty much in line with recent polling — Perry with a mid double-digit lead over Hutchison. Unlike some polls, in this one Medina is not in position to overtake Hutchison to get into a runoff: Perry

Politics & Policy|
February 13, 2010

Research 2000: Perry +4 over White

Research 2000 is a reputable national polling firm. That said, the result is definitely an outlier. The latest UT/Tribune poll, for example, has Perry and Hutchison leading White by identical nine-point margins, 44-35 in Perry’s case and 43-34 in Hutchison’s. This margin is a little higher than the presumed R

Politics & Policy|
February 12, 2010

Perry far ahead in UT/Tribune poll

The numbers: Perry 45% Hutchison 21% Medina 19% Undecided 16% The poll surveyed 366 Republican primary voters and has a margin of error of +/- 5.12%. The Hutchison campaign will go down in Texas history as accomplishing the least with the most assets, personal and financial. (The closest contender: Claytie

Politics & Policy|
February 11, 2010

Can Rick Perry win without a runoff?

The answer is yes. Do the math from the Rasmussen poll. Perry 44% Hutchison 29% Medina 16% To keep Perry from winning without a runoff, the Hutchison-Medina duo must reach 50.1%. They need another 5.1% of the vote. But they can’t get it from each other. It is going to

Politics & Policy|
February 11, 2010

Medina self-destructs on Glenn Beck radio show

Beck’s question was whether she is a 9/11 “truther”–that is, does she believe that the United States Government blew up the World Trade Center. “I don’t have all of the evidence,” was the best she could do. After Beck cut short the conversation and Medina was off the line,

Politics & Policy|
February 10, 2010

More Polls

From the Midland congressional district (sent by Ted Delisi) Gov Race Perry: 44 KBH: 27 Medina: 16 Undecided: 13 If Hutchison has a four point lead over Medina (PPP poll), Medina has a very good shot at overtaking KBH. If the margin is 11 points, that’s a different story. This

Politics & Policy|
February 10, 2010

Perry leads in Collin County poll

I don’t know the details of this poll, but here are the results. The sample was 300 Republican primary voters who said they would “definitely” vote or “likely” to vote: Perry 43.3 Medina 22.7 Hutchison 22.0 This is in Hutchison’s back yard of the Metroplex. I don’t see how she

Politics & Policy|
February 9, 2010


Public Policy Polling has the governor’s race as a 15-point spread from top to bottom: Perry 39% (sound familiar?) Hutchison 28% Medina 24% Undecided 10% Rasmussen’s most recent poll: Perry 44% Hutchison 29% Medina 16% Anything can happen now. Medina’s support has grown by 50% since the Rasmussen poll even

Politics & Policy|
February 8, 2010

The Democratic debate

First question was on vouchers...technical difficulties (mine) Next question: Legislature may reconsider Patrick bill requiring sonograms. Do you support reconsidering it? White says, not going to make advance judgments but would not allow Legislative sessions to get hijacked by wedge issues. Shami would not take away freedom of any Texan,

Politics & Policy|
February 8, 2010

At the Palin-Perry rally

I drove to Houston for the rally yesterday. The event was held at a huge complex called the Richard E. Berry Educational Support center on Barker-Cypress Road in northwest Houston. The surrounding area is entirely outside the Houston city limits and is unincorporated. A colleague at Texas Monthly who lives

Eat My Words|
February 8, 2010

Just For Fun–Glad It Was Them, Not Me

The authors of the various Roadfood books, the intrepid Jane and Michael Stern (two of the most fun writers I know), put this item in their Roadfood.com email newsletter today. In case you don’t recognize their name, the Sterns travel the country seeking out iconic and quirky eateries. (They used

Politics & Policy|
February 5, 2010

White’s second ad

This is your basic bio spot — current family shot, childhood (“parents were schoolteachers”), off to college (“earned a scholarship”), then family life (“taught Sunday School”) to mayor of Houston (“cut taxes five times”). The closing shot is taken from the floor up, so that White’s baldness is not evident.

Eat My Words|
February 3, 2010

Sad News From a Famous Dallas Restaurant Family

I just received an email from Side Dish, part of the D magazine web site, reporting the death of Gina Campisi, a member of the famous Dallas restaurant family. Side Dish wrote: “A Campisi family friend confirms that Gina Campisi, of the Egyptian Lounge Campisis and owner of Fedora Restaurant,

Politics & Policy|
February 3, 2010

Medina’s attack on Perry

Am I the last person in Texas to see this Medina campaign spot? Today is the first time I have seen it. It’s the most compelling campaign spot (if a six minutes and fifty-two seconds video can properly be described as a “spot”) that I have seen this entire campaign

Politics & Policy|
February 2, 2010

Rasmussen: Perry 44, Hutchison 29, Medina 16

Perry gained 1 point since the previous poll. Hutchison lost 4 points. Medina gained 4 points. Hutchison now is lower in the polls (29) than Perry was (30) when she first announced that she would run for governor. Key stat: If voters maintain their current attitudes, Hutchison needs 50% of

Politics & Policy|
February 2, 2010

What is Medina up to?

A couple of weeks ago I questioned in this space whether Medina might enter the Senate race if Hutchison resigns her seat after the primary or the runoff? Apparently someone else was thinking the same thing. The analysis that follows was sent to me by someone who is well known

Politics & Policy|
February 1, 2010

Bill White’s first ad

It’s a good start. White chose the right message–improving education. Perry is vulnerable. Education advocates believe that standards have been lowered during the Perry years. The issue plays to White’s base but it also crosses party lines. Republicans in the suburbs and in rural areas care about public schools.

Politics & Policy|
February 1, 2010

This May Be the Worst Idea Ever

Finally, Rick Perry wants to do something about the dropout rate. He proposes to prohibit people of high school age from having a driver’s license if they drop out or aren’t progressing toward a degree. Current law requires that students be enrolled in high school in order to get a

Web Exclusive|
February 1, 2010

CSI: Anahuac

The John Doe case that continues to haunt a small town in Texas.

February 1, 2010

The Illusionist

For more than thirty years, artist Damian Priour has crafted beautiful sculptures made of limestone, metal, wood, bronze, and glass.

Roar of the Crowd|
February 1, 2010

Dance Fever

Loved the dance hall stories, especially those about Floore’s and the Quihi Gun Club [“Step Right Up,” December 2009]. I sure knew I was home in Texas, after twenty years of wandering the world with the Air Force, when I attended a wedding at the latter, surrounded by four

Editor's Letter|
February 1, 2010

Paulitics 101

When Paul Burka was ten years old, his mother gave him a board game called Politics. This is the honest truth. Elvis’s mother gave him a guitar; Paul’s mother gave him Politics. He can still remember the rules. “You tried to capture the states, which were divided into six

February 1, 2010

The Rice Stuff

Why the proposed merger between Baylor College of Medicine and my alma mater could turn out to be a bad prescription.

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