April 1990 Issue

On the Cover

Lady Bird

In this excerpt from Means of Ascent, the shy, withdrawn young wife of Lyndon Johnson reveals a presence and command that took everyone by surprise—including her husband.


Trouble, Trash, and Texas

Twenty years after the first Earth Day celebration, environmentalists are once again trying to get Texans interested in saving the planet. There are good reasons why they may once again fail.


Bold Strokes

Drawing from its extensive Texas art collection, Houston’s Museum of Fine Arts has assembled a concise survey of a vast subject.




Robert Bass goes after a Florida newspaper’s charitable trust; hikers and bikers go after each other on the fitness trail; a Metroplex entrepreneur goes in for class reunions.


State Secrets

The battle over the best way to put the space station into orbit; how Oscar Wyatt plans to lower his electric bill (and raise yours); why we should control the lending, not the spending, in the governor’s race.

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